home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/nodes.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h> // dos
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/defs.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/C/Protos.h"
- ///
- /// WriteMain
- void WriteMain( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct LibNode *lib;
- struct WndToOpen *wto;
- BOOL bool;
- FPrintf( Files->Main,
- "MODULE 'dos/dos', 'exec/libraries', 'exec', 'dos', '%s'\n",
- FilePart( Files->XDefName ));
- if( IE->ExtraProc[0] ) {
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Temp,
- "PROC %s()\n"
- "\t/* ...Initialization Stuff... */\n"
- "ENDPROC\n",
- IE->ExtraProc );
- }
- }
- if( IE->MainProcFlags & MAIN_OTHERBITS ) {
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) {
- FPuts( Files->Temp,
- "PROC handleOtherSignals()\n"
- "\t/* Routine to handle other signals */\n"
- "ENDPROC\n" );
- }
- }
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\nDEF\tok_to_run=TRUE, mask=NIL\n\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "\nPROC main() HANDLE\n"
- "\tIF ( openLibs() = FALSE ) THEN Raise( 1 )\n"
- "\tIF ( setup() = FALSE ) THEN Raise( 1 )\n" );
- if( IE->ExtraProc[0] )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, "\tIF ( %s() = FALSE ) THEN Raise( 1 )\n", IE->ExtraProc );
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "\tplayTheGame()\n"
- "EXCEPT DO:\n"
- "\tend()\n"
- "ENDPROC 0\n"
- "\n"
- "PROC end()\n"
- "\tcloseAll()\n"
- "\tcloseLibs()\n"
- "\n"
- "PROC openLibs()\n" );
- for( lib = IE->Libs_List.mlh_Head; lib->lbn_Node.ln_Succ; lib = lib->lbn_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if ( lib->lbn_Node.ln_Pri & L_FAIL )
- FPrintf( Files->Main,
- "\tIF ( %s:= OpenLibrary( \"%s\", %ld )) = NIL THEN\n"
- "\t\terror( errstrings[ OPEN_LIB ], \"%s\" )\n"
- "\t\tRETURN FALSE\n"
- "\tENDIF\n",
- lib->lbn_Base, lib->lbn_Name, lib->lbn_Version, lib->lbn_Name );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Main,
- "\t%s:= OpenLibrary( \"%s\", %ld )\n",
- lib->lbn_Base, lib->lbn_Name, lib->lbn_Version );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "\n"
- "PROC setup()\n"
- "\tDEF\tret\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & OPENDISKFONT ) {
- struct TxtAttrNode *fnt;
- bool = FALSE;
- for( fnt = IE->FntLst.mlh_Head; fnt->txa_Next; fnt = fnt->txa_Next )
- if( fnt->txa_Flags & FPB_DISKFONT )
- bool = TRUE;
- if( bool )
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "\tIF openDiskFonts() = FALSE THEN\n"
- "\t\terror( errstrings[ OPEN_FONTS ], NULL )\n"
- "\t\tRETURN FALSE\n"
- "\tENDIF\n" );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "\tIF ( ret:= setupScreen()) THEN\n"
- "\t\terror( errstrings[ SETUP_SCR ], errstrings[ SETUP_SCR+ret ]);\n"
- "\t\tRETURN FALSE\n"
- "\tENDIF\n" );
- for( wto = IE->WndTO_List.mlh_Head; wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ; wto = wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main,
- "\tIF ( ret = open%sWindow()) THEN\n"
- "\t\terror( errstrings[ OPEN_WND ], errstrings[ OPEN_WND+ret ])\n"
- "\t\tRETURN FALSE\n"
- "\tENDIF\n",
- wto->wto_Label );
- if( IE->NumRexxs )
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\tsetupRexxPort()\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "ENDPROC TRUE\n"
- "\n"
- "PROC closeAll()\n" );
- for( wto = IE->WndTO_List.mlh_Head; wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ; wto = wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, "\tclose%sWindow()\n", wto->wto_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\tcloseDownScreen()\n" );
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & OPENDISKFONT ) && ( bool ))
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\tcloseDiskFonts()\n" );
- if( IE->NumRexxs )
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\tdeleteRexxPort()\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "ENDPROC\n\nPROC closeLibs()\n" );
- for( lib = IE->Libs_List.mlh_Head; lib->lbn_Node.ln_Succ; lib = lib->lbn_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, "\tIF ( %s ) THEN CloseLibrary( %s )\n",
- lib->lbn_Base, lib->lbn_Base );
- FPuts( Files->Main,
- "ENDPROC\n\n"
- "PROC playTheGame()\n"
- "\tDEF signals,other = mask" );
- for( wto = IE->WndTO_List.mlh_Head; wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ; wto = wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, ",%s_signal = Shl( 1, %sWnd.userport.sigbit )",
- wto->wto_Label, wto->wto_Label );
- if( IE->NumRexxs )
- FPuts( Files->Main, ",rexx_signal=NIL;\n\n"
- "\tIF ( RexxPort ) THEN rexx_signal:= Shl( 1, rexxPort.sigbit )\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\n\tmask = mask" );
- if( IE->MainProcFlags & MAIN_CTRL_C )
- FPuts( Files->Main, " | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C" );
- for( wto = IE->WndTO_List.mlh_Head; wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ; wto = wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, " | %s_signal", wto->wto_Label );
- if( IE->NumRexxs )
- FPuts( Files->Main, " | rexx_signal" );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\n\n\tWHILE( ok_to_run )\n\t\tsignals := Wait( mask )\n" );
- for( wto = IE->WndTO_List.mlh_Head; wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ; wto = wto->wto_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Main, "\t\tIF (signals AND %s_signal) THEN ok_to_run:= handle%sIDCMP()\n",
- wto->wto_Label, wto->wto_Label );
- if( IE->NumRexxs )
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\t\tIF (signals AND rexx_signal) THEN handleRexxMsg()\n" );
- if( IE->MainProcFlags & MAIN_OTHERBITS )
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\t\tIF (signals AND other) THEN ok_to_run:= handleOtherSignals()\n" );
- if( IE->MainProcFlags & MAIN_CTRL_C )
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\t\tIF (signals AND SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) THEN ok_to_run:= FALSE\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Main, "\tENDWHILE\n\nENDPROC\n" );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteSetupScr
- void WriteSetupScr( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "extern UWORD ScaleX( UWORD );\n"
- "extern UWORD ScaleY( UWORD );\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nUWORD ScaleX( UWORD value )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\treturn(( UWORD )((( FontX * value ) + %ld ) / %ld ));\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n"
- "UWORD ScaleY( UWORD value )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\treturn(( UWORD )((( FontY * value ) + %ld ) / %ld ));\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n"
- "static void ComputeFont( UWORD width, UWORD height )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tFont = &Attr;\n"
- "\tFont->ta_Name = (STRPTR)Scr->RastPort.Font->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name;\n"
- "\tFont->ta_YSize = FontY = Scr->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize;\n"
- "\tFontX = Scr->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tXOffset = Scr->WBorLeft;\n"
- "\tYOffset = Scr->RastPort.TxHeight + Scr->WBorTop;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tif( width && height )\n"
- "\t\tif((( ScaleX( width ) + Scr->WBorRight ) > Scr->Width ) ||\n"
- "\t\t\t(( ScaleY( height ) + Scr->WBorBottom + YOffset ) > Scr->Height ))\n"
- "\t\t\t\t{\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\tFont->ta_Name = (STRPTR)\"topaz.font\";\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\tFontX = FontY = Font->ta_YSize = 8;\n"
- "\t\t\t\t}\n"
- "}\n",
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\nint SetupScreen( void )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tif(!( Scr = " );
- if( IE->flags_2 & GENERASCR )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "OpenScreenTagList( NULL, (struct TagItem *)ScreenTags" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "LockPubScreen( PubScreenName" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " )))\n\t\treturn( 1L );\n\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tComputeFont( 0, 0 );\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tYOffset = Scr->WBorTop + Scr->Font->ta_YSize;\n"
- "\tXOffset = Scr->WBorLeft;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif(!( VisualInfo = GetVisualInfo( Scr, TAG_DONE )))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 2L );\n" );
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & SHARED_PORT ) && (!( IE->SharedPort[0] )))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif(!( IDCMPPort = CreateMsgPort() ))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 3L );\n" );
- // Expanders
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->Setup )( Files );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n"
- "\treturn( 0L );\n"
- "}\n\n"
- "void CloseDownScreen( void )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tif( VisualInfo ) {\n"
- "\t\tFreeVisualInfo( VisualInfo );\n"
- "\t\tVisualInfo = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n" );
- // Expanders
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->CloseDown )( Files );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif( Scr ) {\n\t\t" );
- if( IE->flags_2 & GENERASCR )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "CloseScreen(" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "UnlockPubScreen( NULL," );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " Scr );\n"
- "\t\tScr = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n" );
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & SHARED_PORT ) && (!( IE->SharedPort[0] )))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tif( IDCMPPort ) {\n"
- "\t\tDeleteMsgPort( IDCMPPort );\n"
- "\t\tIDCMPPort = NULL;\n"
- "\t}" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n}\n"
- "\n"
- "LONG OpenWnd( struct Gadget *GList, struct TagItem WTags[], struct Window **Wnd )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tUWORD\t\ttc;\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tUWORD\t\tww, wh, oldww, oldwh;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif( GList ) {\n"
- "\t\ttc = 0;\n"
- "\t\twhile( WTags[ tc ].ti_Tag != WA_Gadgets ) tc++;\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ tc ].ti_Data = (ULONG)GList;\n"
- "\t}\n\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tww = ScaleX( WTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data ) + XOffset + Scr->WBorRight;\n"
- "\twh = ScaleY( WTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data ) + YOffset + Scr->WBorBottom;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tif(( WTags[ WT_LEFT ].ti_Data + ww ) > Scr->Width )\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ WT_LEFT ].ti_Data = Scr->Width - ww;\n"
- "\tif(( WTags[ WT_TOP ].ti_Data + wh ) > Scr->Height )\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ WT_TOP ].ti_Data = Scr->Height - wh;\n"
- "\n"
- "\toldww = WTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data;\n"
- "\toldwh = WTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data = ww;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data = wh;\n\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tWTags[8].ti_Data = (ULONG)Scr;\n"
- "\n\t*Wnd = OpenWindowTagList( NULL, &WTags[0] );\n\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tWTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data = oldww;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data = oldwh;\n\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tif(!( *Wnd ))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 4L );\n\n"
- "\tGT_RefreshWindow( *Wnd, NULL );\n"
- "\treturn( 0L );\n}\n"
- "\n"
- "void CloseWnd( struct Window **Wnd, struct Gadget **GList, struct Menu **Mn )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tif( Mn ) {\n"
- "\t\tif( *Wnd )\n"
- "\t\t\tClearMenuStrip( *Wnd );\n\n"
- "\t\tFreeMenus( *Mn );\n"
- "\t\t*Mn = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\tif( *Wnd ) {\n"
- "\t\tCloseWindow( *Wnd );\n"
- "\t\t*Wnd = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\tif( GList ) {\n"
- "\t\tFreeGadgets( *GList );\n"
- "\t\t*GList = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n"
- "struct Gadget *MakeGadgets( struct Gadget **GList, struct Gadget *Gads[],\n"
- "\tstruct NewGadget NGad[], UWORD GTypes[], ULONG GTags[], UWORD CNT )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tstruct Gadget\t\t*g;\n"
- "\tUWORD\t\t\tlc, tc;\n"
- "\tstruct NewGadget\tng;\n\n"
- "\tif(!( g = CreateContext( GList )))\n"
- "\t\treturn( -1 );\n\n"
- "\tfor( lc = 0, tc = 0; lc < CNT; lc++ ) {\n\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )&NGad[ lc ], ( char * )&ng, ( long )sizeof( struct NewGadget ));\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_VisualInfo = VisualInfo;\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tng.ng_TextAttr = Font;\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_LeftEdge = XOffset + ScaleX( ng.ng_LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_TopEdge = YOffset + ScaleY( ng.ng_TopEdge );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_Width = ScaleX( ng.ng_Width );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_Height = ScaleY( ng.ng_Height );\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tng.ng_TopEdge += YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_LeftEdge += XOffset;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tGads[ lc ] = g = CreateGadgetA((ULONG)GTypes[ lc ], g, &ng, (struct TagItem *)>ags[ tc ] );\n\n"
- "\t\twhile( GTags[ tc ] )\n"
- "\t\t\ttc += 2;\n"
- "\t\ttc++;\n\n"
- "\t\tif( !g )\n"
- "\t\t\treturn( -2 );\n"
- "\t}\n\n"
- "\treturn( g );\n"
- "}\n" );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteGBanksHandling
- void WriteGBanksHandling( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ )
- if( wnd->wi_NumGBanks ) {
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "extern void AddGadgetBank( struct Window *, struct WindowBanks *, struct Gadget * );\n"
- "extern void RemGadgetBank( struct Window *, struct WindowBanks *, struct Gadget * );\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\nvoid AddGadgetBank( struct Window *Wnd, struct WindowBanks *WindowBanks, struct Gadget *Bank )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tWindowBanks->Banks[ WindowBanks->Count++ ] = Bank;\n\n"
- "\tAddGList( Wnd, Bank, (UWORD)~0, -1, NULL );\n"
- "\tRefreshGadgets( Bank, Wnd, NULL );\n"
- "}\n\n"
- "void RemGadgetBank( struct Window *Wnd, struct WindowBanks *WindowBanks, struct Gadget *Bank )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tUWORD ReAttach = WindowBanks->Count - 1;\n\n"
- "\twhile( WindowBanks->Count > 0 ) {\n"
- "\t\tRemoveGList( Wnd, WindowBanks->Banks[ --WindowBanks->Count ], -1 );\n"
- "\t}\n\n"
- "\twhile( WindowBanks->Count < ReAttach ) {\n"
- "\t\tstruct Gadget *Bnk;\n\n"
- "\t\tif(( Bnk = WindowBanks->Banks[ WindowBanks->Count ]) != Bank ) {\n"
- "\t\t\tAddGList( Wnd, Bnk, (UWORD)~0, -1, NULL );\n"
- "\t\t\tWindowBanks->Banks[ WindowBanks->Count++ ] = Bnk;\n"
- "\t\t}\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "}\n\n" );
- break;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteRender
- void WriteRender( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct BevelBoxNode *box;
- WORD x, y;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NeedRender ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern void %sRender( void );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nvoid %sRender( void )\n{\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumImages )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct Image\t\tim;\n"
- "\tstruct Image\t\t*imp;\n" );
- if( wnd->wi_NumTexts )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct IntuiText\tit;\n" );
- if(( wnd->wi_NumImages ) || ( wnd->wi_NumTexts ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tUWORD\t\t\tc;\n" );
- }
- IE->win_info = wnd;
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->RenderMinusZero )( Files );
- for( box = wnd->wi_Boxes.mlh_Head; box->bb_Next; box = box->bb_Next ) {
- x = box->bb_Left - IE->ScreenData->XOffset;
- y = box->bb_Top - IE->ScreenData->YOffset;
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawBevelBox( %sWnd->RPort, ScaleX( %ld ) + XOffset, ScaleY( %ld ) + YOffset, ScaleX( %ld ), ScaleY( %ld ),\n"
- "\t\tGT_VisualInfo, VisualInfo,",
- wnd->wi_Label, x, y, box->bb_Width, box->bb_Height );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawBevelBox( %sWnd->RPort, %ld + XOffset, %ld + YOffset, %ld, %ld,\n"
- "\t\tGT_VisualInfo, VisualInfo,",
- wnd->wi_Label, x, y, box->bb_Width, box->bb_Height );
- if( box->bb_Recessed )
- FPuts( Files->Std, " GTBB_Recessed, TRUE," );
- if( box->bb_FrameType != 1 )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, " GTBB_FrameType, %ld,", &box->bb_FrameType );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " TAG_DONE );\n" );
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumImages ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\timp = &%s_0Image;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )imp, ( char * )&im, ( long )sizeof( struct Image ));\n"
- "\t\timp = imp->NextImage;\n"
- "\t\tim.NextImage = NULL;\n"
- "\t\tim.LeftEdge = XOffset + ScaleX( im.LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tim.TopEdge = YOffset + ScaleY( im.TopEdge );\n"
- "\t\tDrawImage( %sWnd->RPort, &im, 0, 0 );\n"
- "\t}\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_NumImages, wnd->wi_Label );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawImage( %sWnd->RPort, &%s_0Image, XOffset, YOffset );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumTexts ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )&%sIText[ c ], ( char * )&it, ( long )sizeof( struct IntuiText ));\n"
- "\t\tit.ITextFont = Font;\n"
- "\t\tit.LeftEdge = XOffset + ScaleX( it.LeftEdge ) - ( IntuiTextLength( &it ) >> 1 );\n"
- "\t\tit.TopEdge = YOffset + ScaleY( it.TopEdge ) - ( Font->ta_YSize >> 1 );\n"
- "\t\tPrintIText( %sWnd->RPort, &it, 0, 0 );\n"
- "\t}\n",
- wnd->wi_NumTexts, wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tPrintIText( %sWnd->RPort, %sIText, XOffset, YOffset );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->RenderPlusZero )( Files );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "}\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///